A Walk Around Princeton University


Interintellect Alaka Halder hosts a summer meet-up at Princeton University (Central New Jersey), her alma mater. We'll walk through the lovely Prospect Garden, try to spot gargoyles perched on historic campus buildings, enjoy outdoor sculptures, and maybe stop for snacks and coffee on Nassau Street. Check your email and the New York channel on Discord…


Living to Best Advantage: Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham


Educator Raffi Grinberg facilitates a discussion on practical lessons about how to live a fulfilling life from W. Somerset Maugham's masterpiece, Of Human Bondage. This literary masterpiece about growing into adulthood is shockingly relevant 100+ years later, and has deep, practical lessons to teach us about not falling in love with the wrong person, why…


Werewolves in Midsummer


The peaceful Interintellect village has been safe from werewolf attacks for a while, but during their retreat the werewolves have planned their next move. Nobody expected them, creatures who thrive in the darkness, to choose, of all days, one of the longest days of the year, but that's part of their surprise plan to haunt…


“What’s the ii?” : A Host’s Introduction to Interintellect for Anyone Curious – Part 1 (Asia/Australia Timezone)


What if you're an Interintellect, but you just don't know it yet...? Everybody thinks their life is weird. Most of us are right. Each of us holds our own brand of weird thing that makes us special, and with it, often comes its own brand of loneliness. Or so we thought. This past year, through…


Exploring The Revelations with Erik Hoel


In this Interintellect salon, Taylor Pullinger will host a conversation with Erik Hoel, inspired his recently published novel The Revelations.  " Somewhere, lost in that tower of Babel, that library of Borges, was the theory of consciousness. The one and only correct theory an infinitesimal needle in an infinite haystack. To see a glimpse… It would fit…


Play Like a Child – How and Why


Debut Interintellect host Reddy2go leads a special 'playshop' salon. If play is the opposite of work, is playshop the opposite of workshop? Join us to discover the answer to such inanely profound inquiries into the mysteries of the universe, as we know it. We’re going to travel back in time to recover our lost inner…


Dealing With Bullsh*t: Internally, Socially, and Societally


In his latest Interintellect Salon, Visakan Veerasamy will discuss bullsh*t. Literally.  Life would be relatively simple if we only had to deal with truths and falsehoods. But in reality, effectively everything is incorrect to some degree of error – and worse, lots of people are indifferent to the truthfulness of a thing. Lots of people are…


Why TikTok is the Height of Culture


In this salon Interintellects Kushaan Shah and Amir H. Hajizamani host a discussion about the cultural merits of social media platform Tik Tok  TikTok has taken the world by storm. With more than 600 million users, TikTok has ignited a creative revolution during the pandemic and introduced new trends in fashion, commerce, health and so much more. What was once…


Making Lemonade: Kurt Vonnegut’s Recipe for Living Well


“How would Kurt Vonnegut describe what I’m going through?” is one question anyone could ask in times of trouble and peril, knowing the result would be at once honest, compassionate, hilarious, and optimistic. This salon, hosted by Eyal Shay, will be a place for participants to become familiar with a real-life hero and reflect on…


The Story of Philosophy Series – How can the ideas of Spinoza lead us into a tolerant and progressive future?


Join London ii Hosts Flick Hardingham and Irene JK to discuss the life and philosophy of Baruch de Spinoza, exploring how his ideas might be relevant (or not) in today's society and how they might lead us into a tolerant and progressive future.  Baruch de Spinoza, a Dutch philosopher with Portuguese Jewish origins, was born in Amsterdam in…


Ted Chiang Part 6: Vastly Superior Brains


Étienne Fortier-Dubois leads a series of thematic discussions on the work of science fiction author Ted Chiang. In Part 6 — which you can join even if you haven't attended the previous parts — we discuss intelligence enhancement and superintelligence. Ted Chiang ranks among the best living authors of science fiction. Though he cannot be…
