Beauty: Objective or Subjective?


Is beauty an objective property or a subjective feeling? Drawing from philosophy and science, we'll discuss different ideas and, perhaps, realize that the question itself is problematic. Michael Spicher is a philosopher, who has been trapped in these discussions since 2002, when a professor challenged him to think a bit more about beauty. (He hasn't…

Recurring Event Community Casual Hangout

Community Casual Hangout

ii Café Voice Channel

New to the Interintellect community or want to hang out with new and other members? Join Interintellect editor and host, Timothy Wilcox, for a casual hangout. Feel free to bring some drinks and snacks!  Come make new connections with the Interintellect community. We’ll introduce ourselves, chat on anything that is on our minds, and have a…

New York IRL: Expansive Conversations – Sowing Seeds

Manhattan, New York NY

Join writer and meditation teacher, Grace Bialecki, for the next episode of a new New York City IRL series, 'Expansive Conversations,' where we'll discuss poetry, authenticity, and self-actualization. Tending a garden is a way of cultivating hope and creating our own version of the world we want to live in. We’ll read excerpts from Ross…

Austin IRL: March Meetup in North Austin

Austin, Texas TX

Calling all Central Texas Interintellects! Join Alaka Halder for a casual meetup at Easy Tiger Linc in north Austin. Whether you’re a long-time Interintellect member or new to our community, this is a great opportunity to catch up with old friends, form new connections and have fun, meaningful conversations. Come when you can and stay…

Contemporary Faith


What could a modern, intellectually honest religiosity look like? Last time, we talked about the value of intellectual humility and having the wisdom to sometimes sacrifice the notion of truly…
