Building Social Bridges and Healing a Divided World


Rosano invites you to this salon discussing pathways to overcome division. — Post-salon update: read takeaways from our conversation. — What are some ways to deal with misinformation and filter bubbles? Is this phenomenon particular to our heavily politicized present? When ideologies differ, how can we find common ground? How does technology play into these…


Improvisation, Spontaneity, and Oneness


Rosano and Vivek invite you to a salon on creation and consumption becoming one. What can various traditions of non-duality teach us about being spontaneous? What makes someone a good improviser? What makes for a good experience on improvisation? How much do improvisers plan? Is it something that is “manufactured” or simply “channeled?” Can improvisation…


Interintellect @ Vibecamp: Materializing the New Republic of Letters

Austin, Texas TX

If you're attending Vibecamp, join Étienne Fortier-Dubois and Alex Grin at this special Interintellect gathering to discuss the beauty and perils of manifesting online communities “in real life.” In the age of Enlightenment, the Republic of Letters was a group of intellectuals who lived across Europe and kept in touch through written correspondence. It was…


Berlin IRL hang with Rosano


Are you in Berlin? Come meet up with fellow Interintellects! Some ii friends are passing through this weekend, so if the weather cooperates, let's spend Sunday afternoon at Treptower park, or maybe Monday as a raincheck. There are food stalls around with lots of tasty options if you're hungry. *** 🗓 ii Calendar 📋 Code…
