Meaningful Life: A Deep Dive Into Ethics, Values, and Virtues

Join Cambridge scholar in residence, philosopher Christophe Porot, and philosophy student Arkadiusz Synowczyk, for a series on the theories of ethics and the importance of values in one’s life.

We all make choices every day. But what distinguishes a good from a bad choice? Is there even such a thing as good or evil? What is the meaning of it all? For thousands of years philosophers have grappled with such questions. In this mini-series we will discuss the answers that they have arrived at, whether they are correct, and whether we can construct new options to those.

All episodes will take place at 5 pm London time.

This series presupposes no knowledge of philosophy.

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21.01.2024Ethics: What is That Even For? 

Various moral theories speak of values and/or virtues. But why should one be concerned with good or evil at all? Couldn’t one simply deny that such a distinction has basis in reality? Or, why shouldn’t one say , “yes, your theory of good is rational, but I’m gonna ignore it; and what will you do?” In this salon, we will explore precisely that topic, drawing on Existentialist philosophers, our own perspectives, and more!
04.02.2024Sex and Meaning: Ethical Theories and Their Implications 

Ethics should be a matter of practical matters. In this salon, therefore, we will not only introduce the main ethical theories that are there, but also what they imply for our lives, including sex lives. Specifically, we will examine and discuss: 1) deontology, by reference to ethics of Immanuel Kant (though some question classifying him as a deontologist), , 2) utilitarianism and consequentialism, by reference to effective altruism of Peter Singer, and 3) virtue ethics, by reference to the ethics of Aristotle.
18.02.2024Imitatio Dei (Alternative Ethics)

03.03.2024Normativity and Ethics of Science

The realm of science is often contrasted with the realm of values. Science, however, isn’t “value free.” Various sciences presuppose certain values and those have a profound impact on their research and its results. In this salon we will dive into and discuss what are those values, how they impact science, whether scientific objectivity is possible, and what Jordan Peterson has to do with all that!

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