Down the Rabbit Hole: The Infinite Curiosity Atlas (II)

Fellow InterIntellect Helena Ng invites you to take a Play Day and join forces with some friendly curiosity buddies for a communal nerding session. Last month at Camp Curiosity, we discussed the technique of deconstruction and applied it to ideal emotional states across cultures, which led to the emotional dissonance of tech, then a citizen…

Down the Rabbit Hole: Into the Curiosity Verse (III)


Fellow InterIntellect Helena Ng invites you to set up a personal Play Calendar of the month & join forces with fellow attendees to create more playtime in our lives. In the last Camp Curiosity salon, our fellow members huddled together in a collective reflection for all the thoughts, feelings, and re-negotiations we've had to experience…

Down the Rabbit Hole: The Atlas of Curious Questions (IV)


Fellow InterIntellect Helena Ng invites you to a ‘salon of salons’ where we attempt to answer curious questions from the many minds of the InterIntellect. So many questions, so many rabbit holes to fall into! In our pursuit of curiosity and play, many questions from the Camp Curiosity collective have surfaced, and we can’t wait to indulge…