The City in Crisis


My focus is at the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno optimistic capitalism. My name is Max Dostart-Meers and I am a Silicon Valley native currently…


Beautiful Cities, A Science: Second Salon in the Saving the City Series

My focus is at the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno optimistic capitalism. My name is Max Dostart-Meers and I am a Silicon Valley native currently in exile. Follow me here Twitter. In the second salon in the series, let's talk about whether there is a science to making beautiful cities.…


Why is it so Expensive?


Silicon Valley native currently in exile Max Dostart-Meers is focused on the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno-optimistic capitalism. You can follow him on Twitter. Part of the Saving the City series, this salon asks: Why does it cost so much to build anything nowadays? In this salon, we will talk…


Saving the City: Poverty


Silicon Valley native currently in exile Max Dostart-Meers is focused on the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno-optimistic capitalism. You can follow him on Twitter. Part of the Saving the City series, this salon asks: How can we unleash the potential of American cities as social mobility engines? We will discuss…




Max Dostart-Meers and Lea Degen focused on the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno optimistic capitalism. You can follow Max on Twitter here and Lea here. Part of the Saving the City series this salon asks: How do we make getting around cheap and simple? What are the best transportation solutions for making cities wonderful places…




Max Dostart-Meers and focuses on the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno optimistic capitalism.  Join us for the 7th episode of the "Saving the City Series": Crime.  How do we make our cities safe for people and commerce? We will think about policies which not only reduce criminal behavior but make…


The Future of the American City

I just want America to be beautiful and rich. My name is Max Dostart-Meers and I am a Silicon Valley native currently in exile. Follow me on Twitter. Join us for the final episode of the Saving the City series! Great cities and a prosperous America are linked; communicating a positive vision for our country’s…
