Salon Host Training: Bringing the Magic into the Room


Join Interintellect founder Anna Gát for this FREE AND PUBLIC session where we'll discuss all you need to know about hosting online: tone, topic selection, listing, promotion, and audience management.  Believe me, no Interintellect host is born with the magical knowledge of how to run a successful, engaging, friendly online salon (or offline social)—but these skills are easy…


Why You Should Be Religious: A Conversation with Rabbi Zohar Atkins


Join Rabbi Zohar Atkins and Zachary Davis for a conversation about choosing religion in an age of disbelief and dechurching. Why be religious in our irreligious age? Because, according to Rabbi Zohar Atkins: The good life is a thoughtful one. Expertise is not the same as wisdom. Study is an end in itself. The life…


Flourishing in Times of Darkness


In the eighth salon in a series on human flourishing, join Ashley Zhang to discuss the human spirit's resilience in the face of adversity, the pursuit of meaning in an unjust world, and how we can flourish in difficult times. “Our task as is to find the few principles that will calm the infinite anguish of…


The Muse In The Machine #2 – Getting Past The Blank Page


Love playing with words but feeling stuck? Boost your creativity at AI writing workshops with award-winning video game writer Charlene Putney! Do you love to play with words? Do you sometimes feel creatively blocked? Do you need some new techniques and exercises to loosen up your mind and your pen? Yes? Then this session is for…
