You’re Entitled to No Opinion: Ancient Scepticism in the Modern World


Join Interintellect fellow Bryan Kam to discuss scepticism in the ancient world and its role today. No background in the subject is required. Pyrrho of Elis (~300 BC) and Sextus Empiricus (~200 AD) may not be familiar names, yet their influence on modernity is profound. As proponents of scepticism, they challenged all forms of dogma,…


The Emotions of Work Transitions | How Can They Support You?


The common advice is to keep our feelings out of our work, to keep the personal separate from the professional; yet our emotions are an essential part of our human experience especially when we are going through a transition period in our lives. Join Mary Bajorek, an Interintellect fellow, in her fourth installment of the…


Sci-Fi Odyssey: A Tour Through the Great Works of Speculative Fiction – Roger Williams


Come join David White for the next installment of a salon series dedicated to exploring the themes, ideas, and world-building of science fiction. We will be venturing into the world of The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect.  The novel depicts a world after the invention of a super intelligent computer who generates a technological singularity. We will explore the implications…


On Talent: What is talent?


Join talent investor and writer Linus Lu to explore what the talent landscape looks like, how we can get better at spotting talent, and what we can personally do to develop our own talents and put them to use. Everything we have in society is downstream from talent. But despite the importance of talent, we…


Art and Exploration: Radical Self-Healing with Tao Lin


Tao and Ava will be talking about his critically praised fourth novel, an "artful, radical" book in which the main character rejects Western medicine, experiments with psychedelics, spends time with his parents, and takes 500,000 words worth of notes. Come join them to discuss themes including: Tao's writing process and how it has evolved over…


Community Meet & Greet

ii Café Voice Channel

“Community Meet & Greet” is an on-going series, where Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg will welcome new members and introduce them to our community. If you're new to the Interintellect…
