Web3 and the Media with Terry Nguyen and Erik Hoel


Much has been said about what ails media and journalism: misinformation, weak revenue models, lack of diversity and representation, censorship, and declining trust from the public. Could Web3-based initiatives like Mirror and Dirt change the status quo? What challenges - old and new - do they face? We’re beginning to see a trend towards decentralizing…


Making the Future Real | Moving Our Visions From our Minds Into the Real World


The most terrifying aspect of searching for work that is meaningful and fulfilling is the uncertainty: "I want to quit my job/take a sabbatical/earn money in a way that won't burn me out, now what? What are the next steps? What do I do?" The paralysis analysis can be overwhelming. There is so many options…


London IRL: Greek Philosophy in This Day and Age

London London

In this exciting in-person discussion, please join Interintellect fellow Bryan Kam to discuss the West's long and winding relationship with Ancient Greek philosophy. No background in the subject is required. The West likes to tell itself that Greek philosophy is at its heart. The Greeks emphasized eudaimonia, or flourishing: philosophy must lead to a better…


Renewal and Rebuilding: The Aftermath of Personal Disaster, Crisis, or Burnout


Join behavioral economist Nathalie Rachel Sinyard to explore themes of rebuilding and renewal after personal disaster, crisis, or burnout. *** “The only thing tragedy gives us is the opportunity to rebuild our life.” ~ Paulo Coehlo *** When working with people who have experienced a burnout or crisis, one of the more daunting parts of recovery,…


Reboot Your Life: Name and Claim Your Personal Values


Summary: Goals are important but they can limit us in major ways. That's why it's important to know your personal values and make them your own—to make life and work richer and more meaningful. In this workshop salon, executive coach @jasonshen will lead participants to 1) identify their personal value clusters 2) give them a…


Experimental Writing: Creative Toolbox Series – Session Three


The blank page can be a fearsome enemy. Writer, teacher and experimenter Char Putney knows this all too well. But we don't have to approach it with too much seriousness — there's never been a more exciting time to play with words. In this 3-part series, we'll get hands-on with experimental writing techniques from many…


*MEMBERS-ONLY* Community Meet & Greet

ii Café Voice Channel

“Community Meet & Greet” is an on-going series, where Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg will welcome new members and introduce them to our community. If you're new to the Interintellect community, come introduce yourself and get to know other community members. If you've been a part of our community for a while, then come hang…


Haunted by Alternate Universes: What Are the Other “Yous” Up To?


We’ve all had pivotal moments that permanently altered the trajectories of our lives. Maybe it was deciding on college majors or whether to move to a country for a job. Maybe it was committing to a relationship or breaking off an engagement. What makes these choices so hard? Our anxiety around decision-making stems from the…
