Look Again – A Conversation with Cass Sunstein on Noticing the Water We Swim In

What if we could find a way to see everything anew? What if you could regain sensitivity, not only to the great things in your life, but also to the terrible things you stopped noticing and so don't try to change? Join Cass Sunstein for a conversation hosted by Bronwyn Williams exploring how disrupting our well-worn…


The Nature and Future of Consciousness with Anil Seth and Erik Hoel


Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience and Director of the Sussex Centre for Consciousness Anil Seth joins scientist and author Erik Hoel for a discussion of the nature and future of consciousness in this exciting SuperSalon. Long a subject of inquiry, consciousness is much theorized about and now technological developments over the past several decades…


Workshop: Intro to First Principles Thinking Using Visual Diagraming for Life, Business and Decision Making


Join AI founder Farzad Khosravi to dive into the world of first principles thinking in this dynamic workshop designed to transform your problem-solving approach. This unique event centers on real-time, interactive learning experiences, where participants become an integral part of the process. I will invite volunteers to present their challenges, and together, we embark on…

Rethinking Forgiveness – with Agnes Callard, Elizabeth Bruenig, and Jennifer Banks

Yale University New Haven, CT

Join us for a panel on forgiveness with philosophy professor Agnes Callard and journalist Elizabeth Bruenig, hosted by Senior Executive Editor at Yale University Press Jennifer Banks, as we explore the practice of forgiveness in our unforgiving age. In recent years, forgiveness has come under increasing attack. Isn’t it unfair, many have asked, to expect…


Can We like Beauty and Badness? A Conversation about Beauty and Morality


Join Michael Spicher, a public philosopher, for an evening devoted to exploring the relationship between beauty and morality. In the 18th century, philosophers often claimed a connection between morality and beauty. They seemed to think that a virtuous person was able to comprehend beauty more fully. We don't generally think this way anymore. But we still…
