Interintellect – London IRL Salon with Patricia Hurducas and Catherine Woodiwiss

London London

Interintellect hosts Patricia Hurducas and Catherine Woodiwiss will host a casual community gathering in London. We will come together for dinner and engage in a discussion about books, friendship, life, communities, and philosophy. The location will be announced to the participants one week in advance. Please note that you must RSVP to this event to attend. …


The Meaning of ADHD Traits – Hyperactivity, Lethargy & Shame


Join Rachel as we explore how distractibility and tuning out is related to one's internal emotional turmoil of the ADHD individual. In addition, we will discuss the intertwining of hyperactivity, lethargy and shame, and how it presents itself in both the ADHD child and adult. See series page for previous episodes. In this salon, we will discuss…


Using Technology to Enable Creativity for Knowledge Creators


Interintellect host and founder/CEO of re-collect Alice Albrecht hosts a members-only workshop discussing how she and her team are using AI to augment human memory and creativity, featuring a demo of the re-collect product. We’ve reached a point of information overload. We spend hours saving, structuring, and tagging what we consume but struggle to find…


The Trade-Offs of Free Trade – A Dead Economists Salon


Join Interintellect hosts Bronwyn Williams and Peter Isztin in this latest entry in their Dead Economists Society salon series—now in its second year of monthly meetings! In this salon, we evoke numerous dead economists on the great issue of free trade versus protectionism: from Adam Smith, David Hume, and David Ricardo—to Friedrich List and his…


Nervous to Naked: How an Introvert Expanded His Comfort Zone


In this salon, Nat Sharpe will share how he went from hiding in bathrooms during events to attending naked dance parties. The discussion will cover social anxiety, building confidence, and exposure therapy. You can share your own experience or question Nat about his (the more uncomfortable the questions, the better). One scary challenge Nat did…


From Nuts and Bolts to Novels: A Historical Exploration and Writing Workshop

Join Ulkar Aghayeva for a writing workshop led by Lily Rock, Jameel Martin, and Ryan Tuozzolo as part of the Words and Sounds series exploring connections between literature and music. “We are always searching for the unconditioned, but only ever finding things.” –Novalis We will discuss “artist habits” – a spectrum of work habits of…
