Boston IRL End-of-Year Meetup

Boston Boston, MA

Join Grin and the rest of the the Boston gang to catch up, look back on 2021, and prepare for the upcoming year. As the wind howls and the snow blows outside, we'll warm our bones at our venue in Arlington. While the conversation could go anywhere, a natural theme will be the upcoming new…


NYC IRL Meetup

Hyatt Union Square Hyatt Union Square, NY, NY

Join hosts Dave McDougall and Orpheas to get together in person and meet fellow Interintellects in New York City! Celebrate pre-holidays together with the ii community! Note: ID and proof…


Decompress – Community Fireside Chat with Visa


Interintellect host and mentor Visakan Veerasamy hosts a fireside chat about rest and relaxation. It’s December! What a year it's been, huh? Let’s just kick back, relax and chat about good times, good friends, good vibes. (This is the fourth of a monthly hangout series for the Interintellect community.) Recommended reading:  None! Just come and share…


Rethinking “Work/Life Balance”: A Holiday Self-Exploration with Gena Gorlin and Roy Bahat


Join psychology professor and psychologist Dr Gena Gorlin, venture capitalist and writer Roy Bahat, and Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a discussion of work, rest, and the fully-lived life. Before the Holidays, we will gather…
