Salon Host Training: Bringing the Magic into the Room


Join Interintellect founder Anna Gát for this FREE AND PUBLIC session where we'll discuss all you need to know about hosting online: tone, topic selection, listing, promotion, and audience management.  Believe me, no Interintellect host is born with the magical knowledge of how to run a successful, engaging, friendly online salon (or offline social)—but these skills are easy…


Young Founder/Hacker Circle #12


Navigating the early days of adulthood as a founder, creative, hacker or dropout can be challenging. Let’s talk about it and share our insights! In this weekly event, Zack and Zelda open a space for makers to share what they’re working on, receive support and make new friends. Our ancestors gathered around a fire to…


Progress Studies: The Promise of the Future with Tony Morley

Join Tony Morley, a progress studies writer and communicator, for a discussion on progress, optimism, and the first children's book on progress authored by him! The meeting will be hosted by Chandhana Sathishkumar, an author, research enthusiast, TED-Ed speaker and self-taught artist passionate about sustainable futures. Tony Morley is a progress studies writer and communicator…


Thinking about Not-Knowing #10 Intent, Causation, and Values


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. In episodes 6-9 of this series, we discussed how not-knowing arises in relation to actions, outcomes, causation, and values, and how future-ness affects not-knowing. Episode 10 is about how the four types of not-knowing reverberate back and forth between each other over time: a change…


Artificial Intelligence and Music: Sounds of the Future and Beyond


Much has been discussed about the intersection of AI and art, but what about AI and music? Rachel Haywire and Zsolt Török will explore the intersection of AI and music in this premier salon, welcoming everyone to stop by and converse about the future of music and how AI will impact our creative growth as…


Self-Compassion and Play


Hi I’m Gina! Therapist, avid learner and educator. I’ve spent time in many settings, ranging from mental hospitals to jails and schools, immersing myself in situations that require both survival and compassion. The topic for the upcoming episode of the Self-Compassion series is Self-Compassion and Play! In this episode we will explore the way play…
