How to Be Yourself? – Caroline Calloway, Tara Isabella Burton, and Katherine Dee on Online Self-Creation – SuperSalon

Join Scammer author and scandal heroine Caroline Calloway for a salon on self-creation, “scamming,” and the celebration of life as art with novelist and culture critic Tara Isabella Burton, author of Self-Made:…


Tools for Stress Resilience Series: #3 Awareness – How Our Physiology Conditions Our Feelings and Actions


If you’re feeling a constant level of stress, join the “Tools for Stress Resilience” series. It is hosted by Interintellect host Mariya Hoffman, a somatic mindfulness instructor with a specialty in Focusing and Polyvagal…


Bangalore Offline: Interintellect x Roots of Progress

Calling all Bengaluru Interintellects! Join our host, Namita, for a meet-up with Jason Crawford from The Roots of Progress and friends from our community to discuss the philosophy of progress! We're thrilled to invite you for an enlightening meetup with Jason Crawford! During it, we will delve into the origins and mission of his organization, The…
