Doing Gentle With an Edge: Feelings are Signals – But am I reading them correctly?


Experiment with ways of Doing Gentle With an Edge in your life, in this series hosted by Helena Roth, giver and receiver of Tankespjärn. All feelings carry information, but what if I haven't been taught to understand the signal properly? Reading/Listening:* Chapter 4: Understand that feelings are neutral Chapter 6: The problem isn't the problem…


The Beginning of Infinity: Laying the Foundation


Humanity faces many challenges that urge us to acquire clarity of thought and develop a shared global memeplex that promotes progress, so that we can overcome obstacles and reach the stars. In his book The Beginning of Infinity, philosopher and physicist David Deutsch covers a wide range of knowledge- and progress-related topics. We will mainly…


How to Flourish: Work & Vocation


“In my opinion, I am often rich as Crœsus, not in money, but (though it doesn't happen every day) rich, because I have found in my work something to which I can devote myself heart and soul, and which gives inspiration and significance to life.”  — Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh,…


Beauty, Cosmic Consciousness and the Meaning of Existence


This Salon is for aesthetes, dreamers, and visionaries; for those who like to ask big questions and who are curious to dive deeper.  We will talk about aesthetics (specifically what beauty is, and pathways of knowing it), cosmology (including chaos theory), quantum mechanics, and consciousness - the nature of mind itself. These inter-related topics will…
