What Is Relational Rigor? (And How Do We Get More Of It!)


This is the first salon hosted by Sandra, who has been exploring the concept of "relational rigor" in her quest to be more authentic and intentional in relationships.  We often talk about "rigor" in intellectual contexts. It implies high-quality outcomes, a set of standards, and consistency in methods. And even though connection is the cornerstone…


The Future of the American City


I just want America to be beautiful and rich. My name is Max Dostart-Meers and I am a Silicon Valley native currently in exile. Follow me on Twitter. Join us for the final episode of the Saving the City series! Great cities and a prosperous America are linked; communicating a positive vision for our country’s…


The Geopolitics of Talent: Tyler Cowen and Shruti Rajagopalan on the Intellectual Scenius of India and the Emergence of New Centres of Innovation – SuperSalon

Mercatus Center's Tyler Cowen and Shruti Rajagopalan join us to discuss whether our conventional ideas about talent (that it's evenly distributed, the importance of grit, and so on) stand closer…
