Let’s Get Mystical: Using the Tarot as an Introspective Tool for Self-Discovery and Therapy


Let's Get Mystical with Joanna Burns  as she explores the use of tarot cards as a tool for self-discovery and therapy.  While the tarot is mostly known to be a medium for divination used by mystical tarot readers, there is little discourse on how these mysterious cards have also been shown to be a powerful…


Rethinking “Work/Life Balance”: A Holiday Self-Exploration with Gena Gorlin and Roy Bahat


Join psychology professor and psychologist Dr Gena Gorlin, venture capitalist and writer Roy Bahat, and Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a discussion of work, rest, and the fully-lived life. Before the Holidays, we will gather…


The Story of Industrial Civilization: Impacts on Commerce, Politics, and Culture

Progress writer Jason Crawford is writing a book about the modern world and how it was invented. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. Behind the world of our daily lives, there is a hidden world, one that keeps our world…


The Art of Resting


Unwind with Krupali in this salon where we will kick back in our most comfortable spots with our pets and our teas (or coffees) and possibly have a conversation about…
