Desk Job Malaise: What Do Such ‘Good’ Jobs Still Leave To Be Desired?


In this salon, machine-leaning-engineer-turned-massage-therapist Elena Polozova and somatic coach James Mayfield Smith will get very, very specific about why jobs that many of us grew up told would make us happy (such as tech jobs, high-paying corporate jobs with good benefits, etc.) often don't, and what we can do about it.  “I have such a…


Young Hackers/ Founders Circle


Our ancestors gathered around a fire to share their wisdom & struggles for millennials. Similarly, Young Hacker/ Founder Circle is a monthly event in which we connect from all sides of the planet to share our challenges, doubts and wins. The problems might not go away, but having a community to face them is a…


Doing Gentle With an Edge: Embodied


Experiment with ways of Doing Gentle With an Edge in your life, in this series hosted by Helena Roth, giver and receiver of Tankespjärn. In a largely disembodied world, it's all too easy to do gentle on a mental scale, forgetting about the rest. But no more! Let's play around with ways of making gentle…


Canceled Young Hackers/ Founders Circle


Our ancestors gathered around a fire to share their wisdom & struggles for millennials. Similarly, Young Hacker/ Founder Circle is a monthly event in which we connect from all sides of the planet to share our challenges, doubts and wins. The problems might not go away, but having a community to face them is a…


Young Founder/Hacker Circle #3


Navigating the early days of adulthood as a founder, creative, hacker or dropout can be challenging. Let’s talk about it and share our insights! In this weekly event, Zack and Zelda open a space for makers to share what they’re working on, receive support and make new friends. Our ancestors gathered around a fire to…


Exploring The Path of Nervous System Mastery


"We don't actually experience the world — instead, we filter reality through the state of our nervous system." Jonny Miller is an emotional resilience researcher, host of the curious humans podcast and founder of Nervous System Mastery ~ a cohort based course for cultivating calm and agency over your internal state.    Join as we…


Young Founder/Hacker Circle #4


Navigating the early days of adulthood as a founder, creative, hacker or dropout can be challenging. Let’s talk about it and share our insights! In this weekly event, Zack and Zelda open a space for makers to share what they’re working on, receive support and make new friends. Our ancestors gathered around a fire to…
